Glow In The Blue

Glow In The Blue provides a way for users to manage time spent on different activities. It also acts as an accountability buddy to log tasks and returns user analytics.

Tech Stack: React-Native, Firebase, Postgres, Node.js, Sequelize, React Context API, and Heroku.

Tech Stack: React-Native, Firebase, Postgres, Node.js, Sequelize, React Context API, and Heroku.


May 2021


Elisa Bennett
Shannon Chang
Hannah Kemp


Software Engineering
UX Design


Technology is now fully embedded in our lives and we’re constantly overstimulated by our smartphones and other devices. Getting distracted from our goals or tasks has become far more common than we’d like, so we wanted to create a space for people to hold themselves accountable for accomplishing their to-dos in a thoughtful and supportive way. 
